Hashtag Goals
I would like to give a brief disclaimer: Warning I am not hating on anyone as the topics discussed may hit a soft spot. Just like a******s there are opinions, everyone has one, and this reflects my my possibly unbiased opinion about the subject matter. This is a stay out of your feelings zone.
Now that that's taken care of, let's talk #goals. So any connoisseur of social media is likely to have used or seen some type of fairytale like picture or words followed by hashtag goals. When I check out the Shaderoom they pass along shade as well as inspiration given by regular folks and then also by celebrities. Many people shoot for bae goals and it's typically the caption for a picture of Beyonce & Jay Z or Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert. Makes sense, they're in love, married, have offspring and smile at each other in pictures. The only issue is that too many times people ignore the down sides to these model couples that never really asked to be in the forefront in the first place. Beyonce came out with the Lemonade album going off about Becky that had ladies giving Jay the sideye and he got even more shade thrown his way when he came out with 4:44 admitting to his infidelities. But it's Beyonce!! Yeah I know. But it's just a small reminder at how no matter how rich, beautiful, and talented these people are, they are just as imperfect than any of us. So why aspire to be in their shoes?
I've been guilty of saying goals when it comes to having success, financial security, and a flourishing social life. Problem is I was so busy yelling goals I forgot to actually set myself up to accomplish them. (Personal problem with planning ahead more than a day)The first time I wanted relationship goals I was in 6th grade and a friend of mines boyfriend bought her some shoes. I wanted somebody to like me enough to buy me some shoes. I thought that was an actual goal. It took 10 years for me to get those shoes but that didn't feel as fulfilling as I thought it would. Having a real supportive partner to pay that rent, I'd trade that for these Jordans any day! I constantly see people make statuses and share photos of sacred family moments, only thing is that weeks if not months or years later those pictures have disappeared. That love and someone elses possible goals disappear. S*** just don't workout sometimes but a generation full of big heads = unnecessary jealousy and deceit. You too have probably seen that couple with a big house, cute kids, well dressed, and so on. Ever think that they're not as great as they seem? Ever think that like you and I or maybe just me, they don't like their chaos to be on display?
The saving face routine is as old as the man or woman that had to start doing it to avoid the dread of feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
Yes, Keyshia Ka'Oir got an almost 2 million dollar wedding, but sis went through the worst to get that. (stay tuned for an article on the Guwops) Her car is nice but is it the love that they have now that people have goals for? Is it the car? The fairytale wedding? It's nice to get an idea from other couples about how you want to function in your relationship, but where is the originality?
Inspiration is one thing but consider what you mean when you say goals. Whether it's best friend goals, family, career etc. Try to dig deep and lay out the reasons why you want something a certain way. Get in touch with yourself and in the meantime live life to the fullest your way.
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