The realist, the optimist, the pessimist : A series on attitude and world views

Happy Monday! For many I know there’s nothing exciting about the start of another work week and yet my gloom from Thanksgiving is almost completely evaporated. Just the atypical holidays for me as I get deeper into my 20's and closer to my 30's. The scariest part is that I'm embracing this sweet nightmare, but enough about me lets talk about everyone. Everyone that can relate that is. 

I've never had a really hard time categorizing these personality types but I have always wondered how effective these ways of thinking are on the physical aspect of our personal worlds. A realist, a pessimist and an optimist were friends. The realist saw the optimist and pessimist for who they were. The optimist saw the realist and the pessimist for what they could be. The pessimist just anticipated the day the realist and the optimist wouldn't be their friend anymore. Quite the small group of friends don't you think? When defining myself I've always saw Jameliah as a realist with a hint of optimism, ask someone more critical they may say I'm a pessimist with a hint of realist. I like my view much better but perception has so many factors that play a role. But who do you think you are? Who do you want to be? Does the way we think determine the outcome of our everyday lives?

The realist 

Any Google search will tell you that this kind of person accepts a situation for what it is and prepares for it accordingly; there is no make believe in their world. Before anyone thinks otherwise, cynicism is the complement of realism except cynics put a stop to something while realists are unable to do anything but go along with a situation and see things for what they really are. If you have a friend that's a realist you may go to them for advice because they are able to take things in perspective and be honest about the possible outcomes that are based on what information is in front of them. 

The optimist 

Ever meet someone that's just too dang happy? In an imperfect world they somehow seem to  still smile and see the good in all/if not most things. The optimist is a person that is typically hopeful and confident about the future or success of something. (Yes, I "borrowed this from Google). In an optimists world there are good outcomes and rainbows that shoot out various flavors of jelly beans. Either way  you look at it they are positive peeps that don't respond to negativity with equal negativity. They are the dreamers,the actors/actresses of society. They are those claps that keep Tinker Bell alive because danget, they do believe! Want to feel inspired, encouraged, and hopeful? Make friends with an optimist!

The pessimist

Finally we come to our most popular state of mind that most Americans have because hey it's America. A pessimist is someone that usually sees the worst aspect of things or believes that the worst thing will happen. They are the cynics in society that see undesirable outcomes see only what is wrong with the world. My belief is that a majority pessimists have the worst experiences and therefore that is all they know, and some folks are just plain miserable. They can be a downer and most people looking for positive inspiration won't look for a pessimist to keep them company. 

So what are you? What are your friends? Do you think that the way you think affects the outcome of a situation? Do we control the way we think or do other peoples' actions affect the way we think? Let's talk.


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